Tuesday, February 6, 2018

A Tribute to my Grandpa

Feb. 5th 2018

Sometimes being on a mission is really hard.  I try not to focus on those things but this email is going to be a little different today.   This past week I have missed being with my family a lot.  A man I love deeply (my grandpa) isn’t in pain any more.  I don’t want anyone to worry or anything because I’m okay.  I really appreciate President Wadsworth as well as Sister Wadsworth and everyone around me.  I can’t forget the Lord either.  He’s helped a ton because basically whenever I was having a rough go or I was going to have a rough time something happy happened that helped me get through.  From Fried chicken and Mac n’ cheese to the cutest freaking puppies that literally made my day, I can see the Lord’s hands in my life.  Little things like those helped a ton.

Getting word that my grandpa had passed wasn’t my best day out on my mission.  I will be forever thankful for the timing of Randy getting baptized.  Man I love baptisms. Like the spirit is just so there!! Like it’s almost like it’s hitting you in the face. It was so great to feel that love our Heavenly Father has.  I needed that. 
All in all everything that bad happened was always accompanied by something good. Every single time.  And it just shows me how much the Lord is there and how much grandpa loves me as well. Because I can’t believe that this has all been a coincidence. Grandpa knew I would be struggling with it all and so he had to have helped out and has been helping me out. I’ve been spending a lot of time on my knees recently and I’m being helped out a lot. It’s super awesome. But I miss my grandpa. I really do.

There are so many things I’m going to miss about him. Him calling me big guy a ton.  Going hunting for rocks was always a blast with him because I had no clue what I was looking for and would pick up random rocks and always got told they were a plain Jane haha.  

One of my favorite memories of all time and the one that really jumps out in my mind was a few years ago.  Not sure how long ago to be exact but me and Carter were sitting with him in the front room and he was showing us his yearbooks and all the plays he did and it was so cool to be able to take a look into grandpa’s past. It changed how I saw him after that because before he was grandpa plain and simple, but afterward I felt like I knew him so much more and that I was that much closer to him.  

Then we fast forward to 18ish months ago when I said goodbye to my family and I said goodbye to grandpa. I remember standing on our driveway and giving him a hug telling him I love him and he looks at me and says I love you too big guy. Then he got in the car and drove off and I knew in my heart that was the last time I would see him. I didn’t want to accept it but I knew it was. Then I went into the MTC and started my mission and I can honestly say that there hasn’t been a day so far where I haven’t felt grandpa right there with me. He’s always been there for me and nothing would change that for him. I miss grandpa more than I can put into words.

I am so thankful for all the memories and lessons that grandpa has left behind for me. My reunion with grandpa will be a little while longer than I had hoped but the thing is I wouldn’t have it any other way because I know about what happens after this life and I know that grandpa is doing the same work that I am and that there are people who have been waiting patiently for the gospel and he’s the one who will give it to them.  

I love my grandpa, but I love my Heavenly Father as well and he has a plan for each of us.  I’m just thankful that I was able to spend the time I had with my grandpa.  Families are eternal and that’s what keeps me going. 

Elder Zeller
733 Adams St.

Powell WY 82435

Sometimes Awkwardness Happens

Jan 29th 2018

I can never think of how to start these things to hook you guys into actually reading them.  What can I say?? Words are hard sometimes.  

So my week... so basically on Tuesday our dinner was suuuuper awkward it was funny haha so we called earlier that day and we set up the time to come over at 6 so we swing by at 6 and they’re like we totally forgot… haha!!!  So they round up some food for us and like sat there and talked to us while we ate and then come to find out he forgot because he took a nap. So funny! It was probably one of the most awkward dinners of my whole mission.  It’s all good though.  We’re just grateful he was willing to feed us even though.

Then we had our interviews with the mission president so that was super cool.  We talked about my mission and all that and how I’ve been doing.  All the good stuff.  Then our water decided it wanted to be difficult and so it decided to not work for us so we’ve had to shower at the zone leaders place lately, haha!!! Good times.

Then on Friday we went on exchanges with the zone leaders and that was fun.  I was with Elder Wright and it was good to catch up with him since we’ve been comps.  But then he tells me that they’re pranking him at dinner so we waited till they were done with dinner and called them and got all the details and it was awesome.  Basically an Elder faked being allergic to olives and like fell on the ground and “passed out” totally got Elder Phillips even tho he won’t admit it.

Next day we went and did some service at a thrift store and helped them move locations so that was cool.  Then that night we met some super sweet members at dinner!!  Like we talked and stuff about other Elders and her conversion story.  It was super cool!!  

Then Sunday was a blast.  Went to church and our investigator who is getting baptized this Thursday was at church and so that was super cool!!  Then this kid in our ward asked if we could help him with his home teaching and so we’re like yeah we can go with you.  So we set up that we would meet at 3 at their place and so at like 2:50 we get a call from him asking if we’re coming and we’re like uhh yeah we are leaving right now.  So we show up and he’s like do you guys have anything you want to share??  And I’m thinking uhh no bro this is your deal.  Well this guy decides to be silent and Elder Phillips is being super quiet because this is such a weird experience.  So I’m talking to these guys about anything and everything I could think of trying to think of something I could share when finally I get a break and the dad goes to talk to a guy out in their front yard real quick and the guy we are with leans over to me and tells me that this is what he wants to share and slides his phone over to me on an article in the friend about Thomas s Monson.  So he comes back and I wait for this guy to bring it up... nothing.  So I bring it up and start talking about it then finish up with a prayer.   

Haha anyway that was the end and today we all had a zone p-day so that was a blast!  Came down to worland to have some fun!!  It was a blast!!  Anyway so that was my week and it was pretty funny.  Anyway take care all!!


Elder Zeller
733 Adams St.
Powell WY 82435

Inspections are Never Fun but Wolves Aren't Either

Jan. 22nd 2018

Well this week me and another missionary thought we were getting attacked by a wolf, had inspections, had a second Christmas (basically), met some more relatives and saw miracle after miracle.

Alright so earlier in the week we found out we were having inspections and so we had to clean like it was going out of style.  We cleaned everything so much… it was crazy haha!  Truthfully it was definitely needed!  Anyway we thought we were having inspections on Wednesday... well on Wednesday we find out that they couldn’t do it on Wednesday so they pushed it back to Thursday. No biggie right? Well later Wednesday night a senior missionary up in Billings is like “hey I’ve got a washer and dryer with your name on it and want to drop it off tonight” so of course we were like “uh heck yeah!!!” It felt like a second Christmas getting a washer and dryer!! Haha!!  It was great buuuuuut those things have a lot of cardboard so we had to leave it in the apartment because we had some appointments to get to.  Anyway we get back later that night and are super tired, so we kind of leave it on the floor.  Then the next day we wake up and remember that we have inspections so we take all the cardboard and put it in a pile because we didn’t have time to take care of it because we had studies to do and all that stuff.  Anyway so we are waiting and I’m sitting there at about 11 and I’m like “I’m hungry” so I start making a cheese quesadilla because it’s quick easy and tastes good.  Well I cook it in a pan on the stove and like I kid you not when I finished they knock on the door!  Like I finished the quesadilla and then they knock so we answer and they start inspecting and like rip into us about the pan on the stove and the cardboard... so needless to say I was pretty upset with it all because I’m 100% sure that if they would have come on Wednesday when they said, there wouldn’t have been all of that for them to talk about. But it’s all good. 

So enough about that haha!  This week has been really awesome!!  At our district meeting we got some ideas for one of our potential investigators that we help with a lot of service and he pays us (don’t like that) anyway we talked about him and all that and got some really good ideas for what we could do to help him progress and want to learn more.  So our whole goal on Thursday when we helped him was to talk about the gospel whenever we could and not get paid for it.  So we go in and instantly start talking about church and we find out where he goes and ask him if he’s interested in going to ours!  Haha we spent like the whole time talking about the gospel and service and stuff it was sweet.  Then at the end he goes to pay us and I was like nah dude and told him about what we are as missionaries and how we are called to serve and how the best way to pay us was to go to church and hear the message we have to share and he said that he would talk to his friend in the church and see if he can’t go with him.  It was a super awesome miracle!!

Then on like Thursday night I went with one of our ZLs to a lesson and we get there and it’s dark. Probably around like 7 so we get there say a quick prayer and then we are going to get out and the missionary I’m with is like “oh yeah just so you know they have had a wolf on their property as of late so be careful” so I joke with him that he’s going to open his door and get mauled or something.  So he opens the door and that doesn’t happen but as he’s walking up to the door I’m organizing my backpack and look over and this huge mass is running towards Elder Loehr (lore) and I’m like, “well he’s dead, and this is going to make the most awkward phone call to President”.  Then we both realize it’s just a dog haha!!!  We both almost had a heart attack!!  It was really funny!!  

Then the ZLs lost their keys (it was in elder Wright’s pocket lol) so we were their chauffeurs when they needed it (haha) it was all good.  We also had a contest with them to who could find the most new investigators this month and we totally won!!  So that was pretty cool!!  Then on Sunday we had some technical difficulties and the mic wasn’t working so they taped a chorded mic to the normal mic so that was entertaining haha!

Anyway that was my week! Love y’all!!

Elder Zeller
733 Adams St.

Powell WY 82435

30 Degrees and It's Feeling Like Spring!

Jan. 15th 2018

Well another week bites the dust and it wasn’t too bad.

We had our district meeting and that’s always a hoot and a half.  First district meeting of the transfer so we played a get to know you game and set some transfer goals which is always super duper fun!!  Anyway after we had some super good pulled pork and it was awesome!!  Way good food, anyway we also did some service for a member where we helped her put some stuff in her dungeon of a basement and it was freaking awesome! Haha!  It was like something you would see in a movie.  I like hit my head on the frame of the door.  Seriously I was a little worried that she would slam the door behind us and you wouldn’t be getting this email today but that didn’t happen so we’re good… haha!  Then another guy called us and asked us if we could help him move some metal.  Well this guy isn’t a member so of course we were going to help him!!  So we’re helping him lift the most random metal objects into his trailer.  Like there were water heaters, fridges, barbecues and a ton of other stuff that I literally have no clue what it was… haha!  But we are helping him out and like as we are lifting some stuff on his trailer we’re talking and he tells us that he sells all this metal for beer money.  When I found that out I looked at him and was like “oh come on man we can’t help you get beer money” well he backtracked real quick and told us that he also gives a lot to his church, so that was kind of a funny thing to happen because I was like really man??  You’re getting the missionaries to help you get beer money?!? Hahahahaha!

We went and tried visiting a few people and I got chased by a dog while Elder Phillips hid himself so that was great. Haha!  All we’re doing is walking along and out of nowhere this dog comes running out of this guy’s yard and starts chasing us and I’m pretty sure I’ve got PTSD from browning so I just took off!  It was actually pretty funny.  Good times.  

It’s getting pretty warm over here as well.  We got up to like 30 degrees and I was sweating!!  Haha it was niiiice.  Anyway that’s my week. We’re still working on getting things going here in Powell.  Stay classy everyone

Me and my ZL... we were both super tired when we took this haha

The Mission Seriously Changes You

Jan. 8th 2018

Well here we go again with another week and another weekly email.

This week was pretty normal. We’ve been really trying to expand those we are teaching here in Powell which isn’t going too well but hey there’s at least one person out here that’s ready to hear about the gospel!! The only problem is trying to find them haha!  All we have to do is rely on the Lord. If we can do that then it goes from trying to find a needle in a haystack to trying to find a big bull elk you’ve been tracking for a few months (I think I’ve been in Montana a while with that analogy). Still have to go out and find it but at least you know it’s there and it’s not impossible.  So we’ve been trying to find that person out there who wants the gospel in their life.  We will see how that goes!!

We had our zone conference this week as well and that was freaking awesome! I love zone conferences!  The past 3 or 4 zone conferences I’ve been able to get a lot out of them and this was one of them for sure.  I got so much out of this zone conference. It was really awesome!!  The focus was on the charity and consecration and it was awesome!!  I also saw a sister I came out with give her departing testimony so that was super weird.  I was sitting there like NNNNOOOOOO!! It was so weird!!  This sister who came out with me is going home?!?  It’s crazy to me!! I guess it’s interesting to look back 17 months ago to what kind of a missionary I was to who I am now. Even just the person I was back then is so different then who I am currently.  The mission seriously changes you.  I don’t think I realized just how much it would really change me before I left.  Like all my social anxiety, totally gone; which is crazy for me to think about.  But I’d say most of all I feel like the biggest difference from who I was 17 months ago is I feel like I finally have a solid testimony of who God and Christ are, on the atonement and repentance, the restoration and the plan of salvation.  Just like all these things I personally have a testimony of it.  It’s not my parents believe this and I grew up believing it so yeah it’s true anymore.  Now it’s I know it’s true. I feel like literally nothing can shake my testimony of the gospel at all.  It’s amazing to see and feel this change in my life. So the change on the mission is real.

I also got roasted from President it was pretty funny.  Basically I got a leather tie from my last area and I can’t really wear it out and about when I work so I decided to wear it to zone conference and my mission President comes up to me and is like, “Elder Zeller it looks like you forgot your tie and had to use your belt.” Haha it was great!  Hahahahaha both President and sister Wadsworth were giving me crap on my tie and it was funny. I actually got a random tie from Jonathan Christensen so I was able to switch into that one and they were both relieved.  

Church was so awesome!! I love church and the testimonies that were born on Sunday were so good!! I loved it all!! Anyway that’s my week!! I was able to play some basketball today so that was a blast. I took a selfie so my mom wouldn’t get mad at me for not having pics in this email.  lol love y’all!!

Elder Zeller
733 Adams St.

Powell WY 82435

Here's to the New Year and New Beginnings!

Jan. 2nd 2018

Well another pday on Tuesday.  First things first… happy new year everyone! New year means new beginnings!! So here’s to the next year!! It’ll be a good one.  But this new year is officially the end of my blackout year. A blackout year is basically the year where I don’t see my family at all besides video calls.  It’s crazy to think that this is the year I finish my mission… it’s crazy, with mixed emotions. The past year has been a good year and here’s to the next year!

Anyway as a recap the past week has been a lot of the same old same old where we go and try and contact someone and they aren’t home because of the holidays but hopefully that should be all finished up now that the new year is all finished up!  

Sunday was really good though!  We were able to meet a lot of members and it was great.  There are a lot of super cool people here in Powell!!  New Years was fun and we were able to get together with a few other missionaries.  It was such a blast!  I couldn’t really do much as far as staying up late but we were able to celebrate with each other which was way nice!!  Other than that not too much happened in the week!!  

Take care everyone!!  Much love from up here in Wyoming haha! 

Elder Zeller
733 Adams St.

Powell WY 82435

Made it to Powell! Merry Christmas Everyone!

I'm going to miss this guy.  Me and Jacklin
Dec. 26th 2017
Hey all pretty different preparation day seeing as how it’s on Tuesday but because Christmas was Monday, Tuesday is the temporary preparation day this week.

Anyway, so beginning of the week Monday and Tuesday was all dedicated to saying goodbye to all the people in Dillon I could. Talk about sad day... but hey what do you do. The Lord needs me elsewhere.  We had a few lessons and said goodbye to some people and then Wednesday was transfer day.  I started transfers at about 8 am then got to my area in Powell Wyoming at about 8:30 that night so it was a long day and boy was it an adventure (haha).  

On the way to Billings the van we were in fishtailed about 5 different times and basically I was super thankful for seat-belts and the Lords hand in our journey in keeping us safe because I’m sure we probably wouldn’t have made it without His help.  Then in Billings we were probably 5 or 10 minutes from the mission home when we got stuck on some ice... so we got out and pushed and because of my luck I totally slipped and ate it on the ice… so that was great! Haha!  Finally got to the mission home and they gave us some food and it was amazing! Granola bars and bananas and oranges... it was awesome... I was so hungry... haha!  I’m pretty sure I’m ruled by my stomach.  Anyway got to the apartment later that night and met the comp and he’s a pretty cool guy.  Got to know the area over that last little bit and met some people in the area which was pretty sweet.  

We had an awesome lesson with one of our investigators and it was great.  We got to know them and invited them out to church.  Didn’t see them there so that was a bummer but hey what do you do?  

Sunday was pretty good though and we had a good church meeting with both wards. It was kind of overwhelming and talked to a few people that we could and met the bishops so that was awesome.  

Then on Monday we had Christmas and Christmas calls!! Those are always a blast! Being able to talk to the fam and meet the youngest member of the fam for the first time!!  So great!!  Then I was able to meet my cousins here in Powell so that was awesome!  What’re the odds??  Right? Haha it was awesome!  And that was my week merry Christmas everyone!!

Elder Zeller
733 Adams St.

Powell WY 82435